SCV Rotary...home is where the heart is.
Below are images from our past and present. You’ll see we’re a family of friends and neighbors; good people doing good things.

The Annual Trike Derby for Child and Family Services

Past President and District Governor, Ed Bolden (right), welcomes new member Eddie Harris.

Mike Berger with Mr. and Mrs. Claus (Pat and Diane Kenney)

Annual Christmas party

Alexx Rufus...all in a day of volunteer work!

Dave Reeves presents proceeds from the Annual Golf Tournament to Boys and Girls Club of SCV.

Fourth of July Pancake Breakfast in Newhall.

Our high school Interact Club members with Rotarian Joseph Ang (left)

Jim Lentini on a Humanitarian Rotary Trip in Guatamala.

Cool cats, George and Eddie at the golf tourney.

Past Presidents Lou Esbin and Chris Ball at the Rotary Clock installation on Main Street, Newhall.

The esteemed (and steamy) Dr. Goldberg.

Starstruck, Nick Lentini!

Community business leaders and mentors, Mike Berger and Lou Esbin.

Larry Parsons and Pat Kenney with Assemblywoman Christie Smith, serving up pancakes!

Founding Farter, Matt Denny.

Master Pancake Maker, Ken Peterson

Comfort in the aftermath of a tragic accident on I-5.

Brothers from other mothers!

Three stooges...

Men of the Year nominees!

The notorious demotion party for past President Mike Thomas. (Note: Hannibal Lechter and Marilyn did not come together.)

Veteran Jim Lentini stands with some young troops from WWI

Member extraordinaire, Ed Bolden.

The epic demotion party of past President Steve Corn! (Featuring Lou's mustache.)

Current President Glenn Terry and future President Dave Reeves.

A day trip!

"Help! I've fallen and I can't get up!"

Lou Esbin helped this young lady 'Find her Smile' and in doing so, found a few smiles of his own.

Chris Ball playing it cool at the District Conference.

Illustrious District Conference attendees...

Ed Bolden and his wife head for yet another of their favorite Rotary conferences abroad!

Past President Tom Cole is a darling of the free press!

Grateful neighbors during our annual Thanksgiving Turkey Giveaway.

Joseph Ang and Krissy Ball ringing bells during the holiday season.

President Glenn Terry taking a break from his Underwater Hockey practice. (Yes, you read that correctly.)